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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A determined warrior stands on a hill. She is clearly ready to defend herself and her turf. Beyond her is a vast expanse of land and water, a very lovely landscape. This indicates that she has a lot worth defending.

With this card,someone or something has put a block in your path. Before you can move forward and continue on your journey, you have to face a challenge. You need to be brave, strong, and confident.' This is not a fight to ignore; there is too much at stake. You cannot afford to give up. You must defend yourself.

If reversed, this card asks you to consider what exactly it is that you are defending. There is the possibility that you are wrong and should lower your defenses.

Use your intuition

  • Compare this card to the Five of Wands. How are they similar and how are they different?
  • There are six other wands in the image. Are they all hers? If not, are the those of people she's defeated or of her comrades who have abandoned her?

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